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Sunday the 9th of October is Homelessness Sunday, ahead of World Homelessness Day on Monday the 10th. This year we have written a short prayer which we invite you to join us in, as we pray especially for those who are facing homelessness in our nation and across the world.

Our Father in heaven, host with room for all
We lift up to you those who have no safe place to stay.
The men and women seeking shelter in doorways
Families fleeing war and persecution
The teenagers sleeping on yet another sofa
Draw near to them Lord, we pray.

Jesus our servant saviour
You knew what it was to be hungry and tired,
To have no place of your own to lay your head.
May each person know your loving presence
Encircling them in their sleeping and their waking
Draw near to them Lord, we pray.

Holy Spirit, living and among us
Teach us to see with your eyes
Every precious son and daughter made in your image.
Show us where we can serve and give
As you have so generously poured yourself out for us.
Draw us out with you Lord, we pray.
