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Engage your Church

Partner in our mission through your church community.

Bethany Christian Trust is an arm of the church, helping God’s people in Scotland to practically demonstrate the love of God to people in need.

As a charity, we started as a Christian response to homelessness and we wouldn’t exist today without the invaluable support of church congregations throughout the country.

Watch the full story of how founders, Revd Alan and Anne Berry, established Bethany Christian Trust as a way of demonstrating Christ’s love in action to those in their local community…

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Alan and Anne's story
Could your church help us in our mission to display Christ’s love in action?

There are so many ways to get involved:

Request a speaker

Our team of enthusiastic staff would love to speak to your congregation, small group or guild about the work of Bethany Christian Trust.

Contact us via this Contact form to arrange a speaker.


Whether you’re interested in catering for the Welcome Centre, looking to help out on the Care Van, running and addiction recovery course, mentoring people who are leaving prison, or looking to befriend people experiencing isolation in your local area – get in touch with our Volunteer Coordinator to discuss how you can offer practical help for the people Bethany supports.

Find out more about volunteering with Bethany.


Bethany is dependent on the generosity of so many individuals, organisations, businesses and churches for the financial resources we need to provide support to nearly 7,000 people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Scotland each year.

You can donate via the Donate form or get in touch if you would prefer to arrange a bank transfer.


Receive a prayer diary and join us as we pray over the work of the charity and the people we support each year.

Find out more about praying with Bethany.

"Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

1 John 3

Get in Touch

Contact Rachael if you want to find out more about ways that your church can support Bethany by using the contact form below
