Walking alongside people in need, providing consistent and relational support on a journey that can often be confusing, lonely and chaotic.
We’ve gathered stories from Care Vans across the country to show just how vital an approach of holistic support is, making crucial connections between both services and people. Alongside partners in City Mission, our Care Van projects operate in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Perth for this exact purpose.

Perth’s Care Van coordinator, Swarthick, tells this story of relational support through interconnected services:
“Recently, we had one person frequenting the Care Van alongside a number of support-focused organisations and churches. As a supportive network, we work together in coordinating our efforts to help.
From the van, we were able to signpost this person to various authorities, helping to get his house to a liveable standard. We got social work involved and they took immediate action, organised a detox, and assured us he would be rehoused into secure, sheltered accommodation.
Just a few weeks ago, he visited the church outreach totally sober… a transformed person. It just shows how vital a supportive network is in helping someone through their journey.”

The same is true for Glasgow’s Care Van with our coordinator, Jamie:
“I went through recovery myself, and when somebody hears that you’ve been through it and come out the other side, it’s like a way in.
Most think you’d just point them towards a place to stay for the night, but you’re doing more than that. The van brings community. We’ve been able to connect people to services all over the city and really help them on their journey.”
However, they are just one part of Bethany’s wider support. With over thirty services and projects across Scotland, each one of them operate by making connections that support people at every point of their journey.
How Can You Help?
Journey with us this Spring. Together we can provide the consistent support that can help people on their journey towards living a fulfilled life, free from the trauma of homelessness.