Wrap-Around Support
Louise* was living a chaotic life and struggled with substance misuse.

*name changed for privacy.
She made initial contact with us through Bethany House, our emergency accommodation for men and women who are homeless.
At Bethany, we implement a housing-first model, prioritising stable housing as a fundamental need rather than something that must be earned. A stable home provides an environment where we can assist individuals to address the challenges that made them vulnerable to homelessness’
Louise* moved into a tenancy and utilised mental health and substance misuse support services. Our team helped her develop essential skills for maintaining her tenancy and provided advocacy for managing daily responsibilities.
With help from our Move-On Support team, Louise has now moved into her own flat and is receiving assistance with furnishings and any other additional support that she needs.
“I feel like all of the support that I’ve had whilst I’m here has made the biggest impact and difference to my life… well that, and moving to a full, more independent flat which I really enjoy and I am still enjoying.”
Did you know?
Our Housing & Support teams offer tenancies all across Scotland for people transitioning from homelessness and in need of a place to call home.
We offer a range of support services, including 24-hour residential assistance for young people in West Lothian, practical help and advice for tenants in Edinburgh, and 82 supported tenancies across Scotland.